When you came to Spain you will see subtitles in a different languages. Especially it is easy to see it in northern and eastern Spain. These diversities are connected with Spanish history and culture.
There are four languages in Spain: Catalan/Valencian, Galician, Basque and Spanish (Castilian). Over 89% Spaniards can speak Spanish, 9% Catalan, 5% Galician and 1% Basque. Of course there are other languages which you can meet on the street e.g. English, French, Russian, Chinese and many others.
During Franco's regime it was forbidden to use other languages than Spanish. Catalan was treated as a dialect of Castilian. People could not spoke in these language in public places. Also Basque was forbidden. There was common opinion that it was rustic language and belonged to not educated people.
In present times situation has changed significantly. In Catalan and Basque Country people speak their languages every day. Children at school learn Valencian or Galician (it depends where they live). There are TV channels and press in regional languages.
Different languages are also cause to separation some of regions in Spain e.g. Catalonia, Basque Country, Island of Baleary and Valencia.
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