
Volvo Ocean Race 2014- 2015

Volvo Ocean Race ( formerly Whitbread Round the World Race)  is a yacht race around the world. Headquarter is in Alicante and owner is a company Volvo from Netherlands. This race takes place every three years. Next competition will be from October 2014 till June 2015.


They will start from Alicante and the finish will be in Gothenburg. It will be the longest route- 39,895 nautical miles. Yachts will pass ports in  Dubai, Auckland, Lisbon and many others.

Crews can not take fresh food on the board and have only one change of clothes. Temperature is from -5 to +40 degrees Celsius.

From 2001 the stopovers are in Germany, France and Sweden because of Volvo company.

  Only for brave people

There is Museo Volvo Ocean Race in Alicante. Next time I will write something about this.


Phenomenon of Botellón

 Botellón is a Spanish way to spend nighttime. The name comes from word botella which means big bottle. During this night young people drink alcohol on the street, squares, listen to the music and talk to each other.

Spanish buy alcohol in supermarkets. There are plenty of shops which sale ice cube for them as well. Everybody knows this kind of place in their city. So they meet without arranging. They usually spend there time from 11pm till 3am and later go to the clubs.
This customs comes from Andalusia but students from Extremadura make it more common in the '90s.
Most of the participants are men but every year come more girls. The most popular drink is beer, mixed drinks and calimocho. The less common is wine and cider. They also smoke cigarettes and cannabis.

Opponents of botellón talk about bad sides of effect. Major problems are: noise, vandalism and health issues. 

Some locals governments set special area for this entertainment.  In Granada is square which capacity is 20,000 people. In Alicante is a square on a pier.

Some of online botellón were reported having half million of users e.g. macro-botellón which happened on March 17, 2006.


San Fermín

I like Spanish festivals because are very exuberant and many people from abroad come to take part in them. Even one million tourists come to see them. One of that festivals is San Fermín from Pamplona in Nevarra. It is a catholic holiday but one of the most important event is the running of the bulls (encierro). 


The festival begins on 6th of June and finish on 14th of June. People wear white clothes with red scarves. After that all bulls die during the corrida which is organized for participants.

Tradition of San Fermín was born in the 14th century. It was connected with the beginning of the summer, sale of cattle in town on the square and holiday in church.

What do you think about Spanish style of life and culture?


Santa Bárbara castle

One of the most popular place in Alicante is Santa Bárbara castle on the Mount Benacantil. It is a fortification from 9th century and significant place for Muslims and Castilians. At the beginning the Arabic name was Banu-IQatil  which comes from word pinna (peak) and laqanti. 

  Castilia conquered it in 1248 and changes name for Santa Barbara (day when castle was conquered by Alfonso of Castile). From XVIII century there was a prison and from 1963 tourists can visit castle and admire Alicante from the pick of the mountain.

   Nowadays you can get there by lift (from the Postiguet) or by walk. There is a wonderful park (Parque de la Ereta) with olive trees.


Equality Parade in Alicante

Last week I saw Equality Parade in Alicante. Many people took part in it. They demonstrated against homophobia. Many Spaniards supported them in their fight about equality.


Visit Tabarca

 I spent nice time on the island Tabarca which is 20 km from Alicante. Wonderful place for people who like quiet places. You can get there by catamaran which leaves Alicante promenade a few times per day. Also you can reach Tabarca from Benidorm and Santa Pola. It is small, astounding island which is visited by tourists every year.

 The island's waters are officially declared a Mediterranean Marine Reserve for their excellent quality and for the biodiversity of their flora and fauna.
  You can enjoy there palm trees, crystal water, beaches and coves.
There is island' museum, restaurants which offer typical dish caldero. If you want you can stay there for  night thanks to the hotels.
So visit Tabarca!


Holiday in Alicante

If you want to spend a nice holiday in Alicante (Spain)  now you have an excellent opportunity. Cosy inexpensive vacations rooms in familiar atmosphere to let for one person or two.
If you want to visit one of the most beautiful city in Spain and enjoy Spanish cuisine and culture you have your chance now. Beautiful beaches, warm sea, sunshine all day long and friendly people are waiting for you!!!

Send email to alicante.vacations@gmail.com and get more information.  

La Tomatina

I can not wait for la Tomatina. It is hold in Buñol near Valencia and many people from abroad come to take part in this festival (last Wednesday of August). It is very interesting and amusing. People fight using tomatoes as weapons.

 Tradition of la Tomatina was born in 1945. Young Spaniards came to see parade of gigantes and cabezudos. During this festival they took tomatoes from stands and started to fight for fun. Police had to intervene. Many people were imprisoned for a short time. Next year they brought tomato and started fighting again. 
Until in 1975 local government accepted la Tomatina and started to organize it. Nowadays tomatoes are brought from Extremadura and houses are protected by owner. It lasts about one hour and starts at 10am in the Plaza de Pueblo. Citizens preparing palo jamón and everybody tries to take jamón which is on the top of it. If they get it la Tomatina begins. After one hour festival is over and the service start to clean the town. Also people can take a shower which are prepared for them by local government. 
   If you want to take part in Tomatina you have to register online on web The Town Hall of Buñol and buy ticket. There are limited number of people who can fight using tomatoes. 

 Palo jamón


Mojito drink

It is very hot outside and I would like to drink something cold and tasty. I found recipe for Mojito which is perfect for me.  
Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball. It contains white rum, sugar, lime juice, sparkling water and mint (in Cuba yerba buena or spearmint).  It is very popular in Spain and other countries where summer is really hot.


The name mojito probably comes from Spanish word mojado (wet) or Cuban seasoning
Mojito was a favorite drink of Francis Drake an English sea captain and privateer. It was similar to other drink in 19th century which was known as "El Draque". Also Ernest Hemingway used to drink a cocktail from Cuba.
And this is my favorite recipe of Mojito!!!


Serves : 1 

  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 lime, cut into 4 wedges
  • 2 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
  • 5 or 6 ice cubes
  • 1 shot of rum
  • 120ml soda water


Prep: 10min , ready in: 10min

    1. Place mint leaves and 1 of the lime wedges into a tall glass.
    2. Smash or crush the mint and lime to release the mint oils and lime juice.
    3. Add 2 more lime wedges and the sugar, and crush again to release the lime juice. Do not strain the mixture.
    4. Fill the glass almost to the top with ice. Pour the rum over the ice, and fill the glass with soda water. Stir, taste and add more sugar if desired. Garnish with the remaining lime wedge.


Dancing andalusian horse

Can you imagine that horse can dance? It is popular in Spain in Andalusia where horses are trained for dancers.
This kind of horse come from Spain and is called Pure Spanish Horse (PSH). They are strong, intelligent, elegant and have long tail and thick manes. Most of them are gray but you can also find in other colors.  They are known as docility and sensitivity animals.



Cactuses in Spain

There are a lot of cacti in Spain because it is one of the driest country in UE. I'd like to show you my favorite. I took pics in the University park.


Gazpacho from Andalusia

What to eat when outside is hot and it will be hotter. In my opinion the best food for summer is gazpacho. It is usually tomato based soup with different vegetables. It comes from Andalusia and you  have to serve it cold or with ice cubes. It is very popular in Spain and Portugal.

  Gazpacho from Andalusia

Andalusian dish is served from a long times. Ancient Romans and Moors also prepared it during the summer. They used tomato, garlic, vinegar, olive oil and stale bread.
Nowadays are many varieties of gazpacho with seafood, grapes, watermelon, avocados which do not contain typical ingredients.

Gazpacho Andaluz recipe:

  • 1 Kilo tomatoes (preferable plum tomatoes)
  • 1/2 small onion (60 grams)
  • 1 small green pepper
  • 1 small cucumber (the small chubby Spanish type)
  • 1 small cup of olive oil
  • 2 desert spoons of vinegar
  • 200 grams of bread from the day before, soaked in water
  • Small portions of diced tomatoes, red and green peppers, cucumber, onion and bread or croutons to sprinkle on top.
1. Put the tomatoes, onion, pepper, cucumber, vinegar, oil and bread into a liquidizer. If you want to dilute it, add a glass of water. Tip: if you want to go for a tangy garlic taste, add a small amount of fresh garlic to the mixture before liquidizing.
2. Put the mixture into a bowl, add salt and pepper and leave the gazpacho to chill for at least an hour. If you want to eat it straight away, you can put some ice cubes in to cool it down. Gazpacho is a Summer dish which is meant to hydrate and cool down your body. So the colder the better!!
3. Serve the gazpacho in soup bowls, with the portions of diced tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, onion, croutons etc on the table, so that everyone can add them to their bowl as they prefer. Tip: you can also sprinkle diced serrano ham or hard boiled egg.

                                                   ¡Buen provecho!



Marina in Alicante

I would like to show you my favorite places in Alicante. Let's start from marina with great boats and palm trees!!!


 I want yacht!!!!!


The power of flamenco

Flamenco is a kind of Spanish folk music and dance which come from Andalusia. It grew up from Andalusian, Romani and Hindu music (motion of fingers, feets and hands). Some people say that flamenco comes from hindu dance katak.
Nowadays many flamenco's dancers are Romani people.

Typical women costume is a long, red or black dress with furbelows and high heel shoes. Men wear black or brown trousers, white shirt, heavy heels and hat.

Very important role plays Spanish  guitar, castanets and rhythm which is achieved by rhythmic stamping of the feet and emotional intensity and expressive use of arms.   


There are differents kinds of flamenco:

  • Flamenco puro: dancer dances solo, it has influence gitano music and style
  • Classical flamenco: the most popular flamenco in Spain, not to many hips movements, long arms and the body is tightly held 
  • Flamenco nuevo: the newest style of flamenco, pared-down costumes, it has a lot of influence from other styles of music and dance

In present time flamenco is very popular all over the world. In many countries are established school where people learn flamenco. There are more flamenco schools in Japan than in Spain. 


Languages in Spain

When you came to Spain you will see subtitles in a different languages. Especially it is easy to see it in northern and eastern Spain. These diversities are connected with  Spanish history and culture.

There are four languages in Spain: Catalan/Valencian, Galician, Basque and Spanish (Castilian). Over 89% Spaniards can speak Spanish, 9% Catalan, 5% Galician and 1% Basque. Of course there are other languages which you can meet on the street e.g. English, French, Russian, Chinese and many others.


During Franco's regime it was forbidden to use other languages than Spanish. Catalan was treated as a dialect of Castilian. People could not spoke in these language in public places. Also Basque was forbidden. There was common opinion that it was rustic language and belonged to not educated people.

In present times situation has changed significantly. In Catalan and Basque Country people speak their languages every day. Children at school learn Valencian or Galician (it depends where they live). There are TV channels and press in regional languages.

Different languages are also cause to separation some of regions in Spain e.g. Catalonia, Basque Country, Island of Baleary and Valencia.


Spanish cuisine- Paella

One of the most popular dish in Comunidad Valenciana is paella. For many foreigners it is traditional Spanish rice dish. But for Spaniards is a typical Valencian meal which is recognized in all country.

There are many kinds of paella but the most popular it is: Paella Valenciana (white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken) and beans, Paella de Marisco (seafood, green vegetables) and Paella Mixta (freestyle combinated). Significant ingredient it is saffron which give yellow colour of dish.


Probably word paella come from old French paelle which means " frying pan". It is important paella has two handles. Nowaday Valencians call paella for all type of frying pan.
In ancient times paella was eating by workers during the break at work. Now you can buy it in a restaurant.
Also in Moorish Spain paella was served. From that time rice became popular in Spain. In present times many restaurants all over the world serve similar dish e.g. risotto, arroz con pollo, pilaf.

  This is a recipe for Mixed Paella

  • Make a broth from seafood, chicken, onions, garlic, bell peppers and bay leaf.
  • Heat oil in a paellera.
  • Sear red bell pepper strips and set aside.
  • Sear crustaceans and set aside.
  • Season meat lightly with salt and sauté meat until golden brown.
  • Add onions, garlic and bell peppers. Sauté until vegetables are tender.
  • Add grated tomatoes and sauté.
  • Add dry seasonings except for salt.
  • Add rice.
  • Braise rice until covered with sofrito.
  • Add broth.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Add saffron (and/or food coloring) and mix well.
  • Simmer until rice is almost cooked.
  • Replace crustaceans.
  • Continue simmering until rice and crustaceans are finished cooking.
  • Garnish with seared red bell pepper strips.


Ir de tapas

When you came to Spain you have to try tapas. It is a appetizer which is very popular and delicious. In some region they call it bocas or pintxos. The word tapas come from "tapar" which mean "cover". Probably tradition come from Andalusia where people cover their glasses with sherry by slice of bread or meat to protect from fruit flies. Later Spanish started to add jamón or other products to the tapas.

There are different kinds of tapas e.g.: fuet, banderilla, jamon serrano, mariscos, olives, oreja, patatas bravas, tortilla espanola. 
Big impact for Spanish cuisine had Ancient Rome and Moors who conquered Spain for many years. Actually Spain belonged to Arab Empire over 700 years. Till today it is easy to find influence Arabic (especially in Andalusia) cuisine for tapas e.g. almonds, citrus fruits and fragrant spices.


Also after descubrimiento de América (1492) Spanish cuisine began use new products e.g. tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, maize and potatoes. 

Tapas are also known in other countries. For example in Middle Eastern it is mezze and in China dim sum. 


Corrida de toros- Bullfighting by Spanish Style

Corrida is the most Spanish custom which fascinates and shocks people all over the world. I will try to present both sides of  the spectacle.

Corrida de torros or la fiesta takes place in Spain, Portugal, southern France, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela and Philippines.
Bulls before fighting have an extremely good life. They spend their time grazing on the meadows, everybody takes care about them and gives them whatever they need. For Corrida's followers it is an honor for  a bull to die on the arena with applause of the spectators. They treat it as an art which connects in one perfect piece of music, dancing, horse riding and amazing costumes.

Opponents of bullfighting talk about animals rights, barbaric blood sport and torturous death. In many countries people vote against this kind of entertainment. In Spain in two provinces: Catalonia and Basque Country it is forbidden to organize it.

Spanish Corrida
Bulls are about four or six years old. There are three matadors and everyone fights with two bulls. Matadores are assisted by two picadores, three toreros and a mozo de espadas.  Picadores ride on a horseback with a lance. Horses are also protected by padded cover to prevent death by bleeding. Anyway many of these beautiful animals had died during bullfighting.

The toreros irritate the bull by yellow- pink capa (sheet). Next, one of the picador on the horseback hits his lanca into the bull's neck as well. Also banderilleros try to stick short lancas (banderilleros) into the bull's neck. The Lancas have colorful ribbons which have to annoy bulls as well. After that when animal is weaker and his head is lower  the matador comes. He has a red muleta and tries to make the bull tired. When animal is exhausted, he sticks lanca into his spinal cord. If matador kills the bull by first time, the audience will admire him with an applause. If  he does not kill it he will try again.


And this is over. Bull is dead. Matador can cut an ear of the bull. If the performance was fantastic the audience let matador cut other ear. Sometimes a tail.
The dead bull is covered by sheets and moved by horses and mules.

 Corrida's opponents picture

The largest Corrida takes place in Mexico City on the Plaza Mexico. The oldest one in Sevilla in Spain on the La Maestranza (from 1765).


Bonfires of San John

The biggest holiday in Alicante takes part between 19th and 29th of June. This is Hogueras de  San Juan (Bonfires of San Joan). It is celebrated around San John's eve on the 23 of the June.

 People make bonfires, drink hot chocolate and teenagers jump over the fires. Every district of Alicante prepares parades, wooden figures, fireworks, flowers, sports events, traditional garments and food. You can see corrida on the Plaza de Torros as well.

It is very important to organize this festival. Every district has their own group of people who prepare Hogueras. A barraca ( group of friends) raise money for drinks, food and music. Only people from the right district can participate in it. There are also commissions which make fires and take part in different events during the whole year. Relationship between people from district is very close and it is important to know each other.

During the Hougeras there's an election of Beauty and Infantil Beauty. It is very popular among Spanish from Alicante.

Many people from all Spain come to Alicante to see festival. It is also interesting for tourists from abroad who came for holiday.
24th the June is also celebrated in other Spanish regions (e.g. Catalan, Galicia). For citizens of Catalan is Catalan's National Day.


Visit Spain- Parque Huerto Lo Torrent

How to spend free time in Alicante? One of the best way is  to go to  a nearby town San Vicent Del Raspeig to visit Parque Huerto lo Torrent. You can get the directly form Plaza de los Luceros in Alicante by bus line 24. It takes about 20 minutes.

There is amazing park with fontaine, mediterranean trees, playground, playing field. You can relax there with your friends and family.
Many people come there because is very quiet. It is a typical place for Spanish siesta.

Blue sky and fontaine

Spanish children are playing football.


Spanish Sherry

Sherry (jerez, xeres) is Spanish wine which is produced in Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia. It contains about 16- 20% alcohol and is produced from grapes.

The word Sherry come from Jerez ( Xeres). At the beginning the name was sack from Spanish saca. 

Sherry has been produced from 1100 B.C. when the Phoenicians came to Iberian Peninsula. Later the Romans and the Moors which occupied Jerez territory were continuing wine production. The Arabs introduced distillation which significantly improved taste.

From the 16th century Sherry has had renowned reputation  as the world's finest wine in Europe. Christopher Columbus took Sherry to New World and Ferdinand Magellan spent more money for Sherry than for weapons before his journey around the world.

Sherry became popular in the United Kingdom in 16th century. Plenty of English gentry sponsored Spanish cellars from Jerez to produce wine.

Nowadays name Sherry is reserved for Spanish wine from Sherry Triangle (province of Cadiz, Spain). Only same producers from California, USA produce that kind of wine and they are allowed to use the name California sherry. In Australia they also produce wine but the name is Apera. However,  people still use the name sherry. Those wines can not be imported to the EU.

There are different kinds of grapes to produce Sherry:
- Palomino- dry Sherry 
- Pedro Ximenez- sweet wine
- Moscatel- similar to Pedro Ximenez but less common

Of course very important for the grapes is the kind of soil they grow (yellowish, dark brown or white) and precipitation quantity. All this factors are present in the province of Cadiz.

Sherry should be drunk from the a special tulip-shaped glass. Young people drink Sherry with lemonade and ice.

My favorite Sherry.