
The power of flamenco

Flamenco is a kind of Spanish folk music and dance which come from Andalusia. It grew up from Andalusian, Romani and Hindu music (motion of fingers, feets and hands). Some people say that flamenco comes from hindu dance katak.
Nowadays many flamenco's dancers are Romani people.

Typical women costume is a long, red or black dress with furbelows and high heel shoes. Men wear black or brown trousers, white shirt, heavy heels and hat.

Very important role plays Spanish  guitar, castanets and rhythm which is achieved by rhythmic stamping of the feet and emotional intensity and expressive use of arms.   


There are differents kinds of flamenco:

  • Flamenco puro: dancer dances solo, it has influence gitano music and style
  • Classical flamenco: the most popular flamenco in Spain, not to many hips movements, long arms and the body is tightly held 
  • Flamenco nuevo: the newest style of flamenco, pared-down costumes, it has a lot of influence from other styles of music and dance

In present time flamenco is very popular all over the world. In many countries are established school where people learn flamenco. There are more flamenco schools in Japan than in Spain. 


Languages in Spain

When you came to Spain you will see subtitles in a different languages. Especially it is easy to see it in northern and eastern Spain. These diversities are connected with  Spanish history and culture.

There are four languages in Spain: Catalan/Valencian, Galician, Basque and Spanish (Castilian). Over 89% Spaniards can speak Spanish, 9% Catalan, 5% Galician and 1% Basque. Of course there are other languages which you can meet on the street e.g. English, French, Russian, Chinese and many others.


During Franco's regime it was forbidden to use other languages than Spanish. Catalan was treated as a dialect of Castilian. People could not spoke in these language in public places. Also Basque was forbidden. There was common opinion that it was rustic language and belonged to not educated people.

In present times situation has changed significantly. In Catalan and Basque Country people speak their languages every day. Children at school learn Valencian or Galician (it depends where they live). There are TV channels and press in regional languages.

Different languages are also cause to separation some of regions in Spain e.g. Catalonia, Basque Country, Island of Baleary and Valencia.


Spanish cuisine- Paella

One of the most popular dish in Comunidad Valenciana is paella. For many foreigners it is traditional Spanish rice dish. But for Spaniards is a typical Valencian meal which is recognized in all country.

There are many kinds of paella but the most popular it is: Paella Valenciana (white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken) and beans, Paella de Marisco (seafood, green vegetables) and Paella Mixta (freestyle combinated). Significant ingredient it is saffron which give yellow colour of dish.


Probably word paella come from old French paelle which means " frying pan". It is important paella has two handles. Nowaday Valencians call paella for all type of frying pan.
In ancient times paella was eating by workers during the break at work. Now you can buy it in a restaurant.
Also in Moorish Spain paella was served. From that time rice became popular in Spain. In present times many restaurants all over the world serve similar dish e.g. risotto, arroz con pollo, pilaf.

  This is a recipe for Mixed Paella

  • Make a broth from seafood, chicken, onions, garlic, bell peppers and bay leaf.
  • Heat oil in a paellera.
  • Sear red bell pepper strips and set aside.
  • Sear crustaceans and set aside.
  • Season meat lightly with salt and sauté meat until golden brown.
  • Add onions, garlic and bell peppers. Sauté until vegetables are tender.
  • Add grated tomatoes and sauté.
  • Add dry seasonings except for salt.
  • Add rice.
  • Braise rice until covered with sofrito.
  • Add broth.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Add saffron (and/or food coloring) and mix well.
  • Simmer until rice is almost cooked.
  • Replace crustaceans.
  • Continue simmering until rice and crustaceans are finished cooking.
  • Garnish with seared red bell pepper strips.


Ir de tapas

When you came to Spain you have to try tapas. It is a appetizer which is very popular and delicious. In some region they call it bocas or pintxos. The word tapas come from "tapar" which mean "cover". Probably tradition come from Andalusia where people cover their glasses with sherry by slice of bread or meat to protect from fruit flies. Later Spanish started to add jamón or other products to the tapas.

There are different kinds of tapas e.g.: fuet, banderilla, jamon serrano, mariscos, olives, oreja, patatas bravas, tortilla espanola. 
Big impact for Spanish cuisine had Ancient Rome and Moors who conquered Spain for many years. Actually Spain belonged to Arab Empire over 700 years. Till today it is easy to find influence Arabic (especially in Andalusia) cuisine for tapas e.g. almonds, citrus fruits and fragrant spices.


Also after descubrimiento de América (1492) Spanish cuisine began use new products e.g. tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, maize and potatoes. 

Tapas are also known in other countries. For example in Middle Eastern it is mezze and in China dim sum.