

When you came to Spain you should try Spanish tidbits. One of the most popular all over the world is jamón (ham from Spain). 
It has a long tradition of consumption and is rather expensive. There are two types of ham: jamón serrano (ham from the "mountains") and jamón ibérico (ham from the Black Iberian pig). You can also meet different name of jamón and it depends of region of Spain. Pernil in Valencia, Aragon, Catalonia, xamon in Galicia, urdaiazpiko in Navarre and Basque Country.

Jamón ibérico
Jamón ibérico could be produced from a pig which contain at least 75% of Black Iberian pig. They live in southern part of Spain for example: Seville, Salamanca, Cordoba. They are fed by herbs, grass, acorns and roots. After slaughter they are salted and left for drying for two weeks. After that they are cleaned and left for four or six weeks. The usual process of ham maturation takes between ten  to twelve weeks but some farmers prefer it  up to even 48 months.

Type of ham:
- jamón iberico de ballota: pigs are fed only by acorns  a week before they go to slaughterhouse. They are bred  between Spain and Portugal. Ham is prepared by 36 months
- jamón ibérico de recebo: pigs are fed by acorns and grain
- jamón ibérico- they are fed by grain. Ham is prepared during 24 months

Jamón serrano:
Is served sliced or diced. It is not so expensive as a jamón ibérico and is produced from white pigs.  A Jamón lover from  Spain can recognize the taste easily and will not confuse  jamón ibérico with jamón serrano. 

The name of jamón serrano is connected with place where ham is prepared. Those places are situated on a higher elevation. That's why Spanish say "mountain ham".

Jamón is not so easy to buy abroad and only Spanish are allowed to use word jamón. 

Jamón in the Carrefour in Puerto de Alicante 


Holiday in Spain? Why not!

Every year thousands of tourists come to Spain to take rest. It is one of the best country in Europe for holiday. Why Spain?

The answer is easy and obvious. Because of good weather and sea. For people who like the seaside the best way is to head for east and south of Spain. The weather during the summer will never disappoint you. I recommend Alicante, Benidorm, Cartagena or Barcelona. For people who like smaller towns perfect place will be El Campello or Gran Alacant near Alicante. You can get to El Campello by tram from Plaza de los Luceros ( L3 about 30 minutes) in Alicante. To Benidrom also goes tram (L1) from Plaza de los Luceros.

To get to Gran Alacant you have to board on a bus (www.autocaresbaile.es) from Estasion de Autobuses. They departure on houry schedule from Alicante. Ticket costs 1,50 euro (2013 year). It takes about 40 minutes.
Beautiful beaches, warm sand, restaurants with Spanish cuisine, friendly people and service on the high level. This is what you will find in Costa Blanca and Costa Brava.

It is easy to get to Spain from most of countries in Europe. Thanks to different kind of airways you can get here without any problems.

Welcome to Spain!

So I live in Spain. Beautiful country with amazing history and interesting people. And Spanish language which sounds nice and that I love to learn!

This blog is dedicated to all who like travelling, getting to know different cultures and people. Spain gives all this possibilities and that's why I feel here well. 
In this blog I would like to present my point of view on Spanish lifestyle. Every day I can see loads of peculiar situations. Some of them surprised me and some of them I watch with high interest. It will be my personal opinion. Of course I 'm presenting my own style of perception and sensibility. 

Let's start it!!!  Vamos!!!